Tek Recruit - Tekpitch
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Tek Recruit

Hiring is always extraordinarily challenging, time consuming, and mentally draining. In smaller companies resources are scarce, and the process usually involves removing someone from their core competency in order to focus on getting people in the door. Opportunity cost, and reduced labor efficacy are the key issues.

The Tek Pitch recruitment process goes beyond the six step process to improve the opportunity,cost and efficacy of the recruitment process.

TekPitch follows a engage to market model of sourcing though use of best practices in communication technology combined with technical expertise and market demand .
Our customers benefit from getting top talent based on shared risk.

Our measures

TekRecruit works diligently during set up to arrive at clear measures.The following metrics drives our behavior in each contract



The number one metric is, the overall number of candidates in the pipeline and  is helpful to forecast hiring plans and report to client management. Taking it one step further TekRecruit helps with  understanding what tactics impact your funnel (a new source, a different job title) and can help refine your process even further.


Source Quality

It is important to measure and track is where the most candidates are coming from as well as their quality.  Knowing what sources bring in the most candidates is essential to building a healthy pipeline,but being able to identify the source that brings in the highest quality candidates can measurably improve your recruiting efforts.


Time to Hire

We provide key metrics to our clients on the average time to hire  whichcan help with forecasting, and help inform your overall recruiting strategy.


Offer Acceptance Rates

Knowing how many of your extended offers are accepted is helpful, but taking that one step further to understand why offers aren’t accepted can drastically inform your recruiting process.TekRecruit analyzes rejected offers, as well as  provides candidates with the opportunity to provide feedback on why they rejected offers,